Venice Design Week 2018

Look beyond: a journey into the essence of the jewel:the project leads the inspiration to become shape and matter. Among the 13 international jewelry designers selected for the Jewelry Exhibition at Cà Pisani Design Hotel during Venice Design Week 2018, 6-30 October.      

Artigianato e Palazzo XXIV Edition

Winner of “Blogs&Crafts 2018” by  Artigianato e Palazzo and awarded of the “Source Prize” launched by Source Florence in this occasion; Clizia Jewelry presents its work during the XXIV edition of the exhibition from May 17th-20th at the Giardino Corsini of Florence. The exhibition was found in 1995 thanks to an idea of Neri Torrigiani and promoted by the princess …

Sino Italian Craft Week

Selected by Artex Firenze among the 30 handicraft companies introduced during Shanghai ‘Sino Italian Craft Week’ hosted at the Great World Art Inheritance Center from October 19th-24th. Mentions on Shanghai daily,, Toscana24.  

MADE IN ITALY The new generation – LA REPUBBLICA

The national daily newspaper La Repubblica talks about the new generations of designers “made in Italy” with a special focus on the protagonists of Milan 2017 design fairs. Among them Clizia Moradei with the brand Clizia Jewelry at HOMI Milano, as winner of HOMI Maker design award by Artex Firenze. Picture on top features Talos and Scia rings by …

HOMI Milano 2017

Winner of 2017 HOMI Maker Design Award by ARTEX Florence, Clizia Jewelry will take place in HOMI Milan fair.

MIO store

MIO store

Clizia Jewelry is the new entry at MIO Concept store.

Clizia Moradei with rings

CC Magazine

Surprise article on the online magazine Cultura Commestibile.

Interview Young Artists magazine

Interview with Clizia

Young Artists magazine meets the designer of Clizia Jewelry, Clizia Moradei.

Floating rings

Launch Party

A party mix made of design and tech-house dj set.